"Dark Places" by Gillian Flynn -- A Book Review

Dark Places - Gillian Flynn

Okay, so, I've quickly become a fan of Gillian Flynn, mostly due to Gone Girl but Dark Places kind of submitted my kind of adding her to my "Auto-buy" list of authors. With her books I kind of found that, the twist or shocker is the main pusher or motivation for the novel. With Dark Places, I found myself zooming through it whenever I could and had the time. It was just that good. I did find myself peeking ahead now and then, just to figure out what was going on, simply because the way Flynn painted her characters it was almost impossible to tell if a person really was who they said they were. And anytime you thought you got closer to figuring it out, one more thing would come up and would make sure to erase or eradicate that quickly. So, long story, short. I liked it and I really look forward to reading more of her books.