"SO RIGHT" by Rebekah Weatherspoon -- A Book Review

So, this was another book I was able to get in my a book buy. I've had for a minute but sat down and finished it a few days ago. The story basically continues off where So Sweet left off. Michael and Kayla are in New Relationship Bliss. Kayla has started a new company with her friend and her friend's cousin, I believe but I can't exactly remember, and it's going well. Things are looking great and go smoothly until Kayla finds out that Michael has a little bigger present besides the puppies that he has for her. And that surprise as well as the ramifications of everyone's actions that went with it end up being the crux. I don't want to give too much away. I kind of come across this kind of storyline very rarely, and it was refreshing to read. Also I felt like all of Kayla's concerns were warranted and Michael was still redeemable/likable. Both of which are good, at least for me, especially the last part. Once again, it was just another nice sweet, cute, romantic comedy-esque book that was highly enjoyable, and I highly recommend it honestly. All of the characters are most definitely lovable and likable and even able to be relate to. And yes, it was hot to read. Haha. Two thumbs-WAY-WAY-UP.