"Mouthful of Forevers" by Clementine von Radics -- A Book Review

Mouthful of  forevers  - Clementine von Radics

Clementine von Radics was another poet I cam across through Tumblr(and later Twitter and other parts of the internet). I was shocked by how deep her poetry touched me and how I related to it, from subjects like loss, sadness, depression, and so on. There are certain poems she wrote that just sort of spoke to me and put into words what I felt I couldn't yet. She was another person or poet that helped me reach a somewhat place of healing and acceptance of certain parts of myself--the good, the bad, the ugly, and the uglier.


Radics's collection is a bit longer than most that I've seen but that's obviously not a bad thing. No space is wasted and even if you can't directly relate to a poem, she makes you feel a deep empathy for the words she wrote. Her poems can sometimes really make you face a truth about yourself that you haven't thought about or just haven't come to. I think that's what make her poetry so good and so wonderful to read.


I enjoyed this collection, and I definitely look forward to any other work that she has coming later.


5 stars out of 5