"salt" by Nayyirah Waheed

salt. - Nayyirah Waheed

So, I'm not sure if I've really talked about it on here but if you follow me on Twitter you've probably seen it, but basically I love poetry. I'm a huge poetry lover. Anyway, I found out about this author through Tumblr, and by extension Twitter, and even on those sites, a lot of the words that this author wrote spoke to be deeply--as a person of color, as a woman, as a woman of color, pain and loss, love. A lot of the poems I read I found myself nodding furiously and just agreeing with. 


While this book does contain a lot of her work from online, there are still that are new and weren't posted online. And even if it was just a compilation of her online work, I'd still consider reading it because of just how lovely and deep her words went for me personally. 


This was a quick read; most of the poems are kind of short and don't go on for too long. This is not a bad thing, and I love how the author is able to get the point across with the lines/words that are used. 


I could go on and on why I like this book of poetry. I really could. I seriously recommend reading.